This month the kitties from Cathugger are visiting us. As their host we took them to Visegrád, a small castle town in Pest County, Hungary. It is situated north of Budapest on ...
Trolley Bus ride with furiends
As you know my furiends are here to visit us in Missylandia. We went on a Trolley Bus ride, Lizzy and I were driving. It was super fun.
Today is the purrrrrrrrrrsday of ...
Cat of the Month
Not only am I Ms September in this years calendar , I was also chosen to be Cat of the Month on Cathugger. What an honor. (Thank you for the wonderful picture Bugsylie!)
Our birthday
It is my birthday today and since we do not know when Lizzy was born, we celebrate her birthday today too. Here is how the day went so far. We got up fairly early and received ...
New layout has developed several new, modern layouts, which did not need to much effort from my side to be altered so they were in line with Missylandia's official design. I like ...
Lizzy and Octopussi
In the cool package we received last week, there was a really nice toy, an octopus. Lizzy loves to play with it. She is having long fun sessions with it.
I hope you have ...
Gift package from Bugsylie and Tate
Yesterday we were in for a great surprise. Someone rang the doorbell and we went into hiding as usual. I heard CS talk to the guys and thank him for some delivery. When he was ...
Busy summer
This is going to be a summary of our summer so far in pictures. I hope you will like it.
The weather was sumetimes hot.
sometimes cold.
We had vistors from ...
Fun continues
The fun with my furiend continues. We went horseback riding. See how well I am positioned on my horsie. The picture was taken by my good furiend Bugsylie.
I hope you are ...
In the past months I have been honored with many awards and titles. I am super proud. Here they are in reverse order from the latest to the oldest. You can click on the pictures ...