Hello People,
I am back in the ether. I was very busy and also the royal computer was occupied for more important things. That is why the long silence. Anyway, a lot of things happened in the past two and a half months. The main things was that I turned two years old. I am wise woman now. I got a huge party with cake and stuff. A lot of guests. Of course I ate the whole cake. It was not good for my cholesterol, my physician said, but who cares. You are only turning two once in your life.
Oh yes, we have nine lives, I almost forgot. Does that mean I will turn two nine times?
Then I had to face the enemy. The flying rats. Do not get confused by the window. I caused a heart attack to the damn thing, so it died even without me having to touch it.
The force is strong within me. I rule the world.
I will back with more sooner than this time.
Queen Missy of Missylandia