15.01.2011. by: Queen Missy of Missylandia

I am back in the palace after a long vacation. The wellness hotel was very good, I got the necessary attention and care and also my suite was spacious as well as very clean. I can only recommend the place if you feel the need for a nice holiday: http://www.macskapanzio-pecel.sokoldal.hu/

Missy the Russian Blue Cat is smiling

I was very satisfied, even though the paparazzi managed to break into the facility, and have taken some photos. After a long battle I managed to confiscate the photos from them, and decided to make use of it. I am the official face of the wellness hotel http://www.macskapanziopecel.blogspot.com/ , we have a signed ad contract. The financials are however not to be disclosed.

The palace is the same as before. I checked every corner - even Checkered Shirts' closet - on my return,

Missy the Russian Blue Cat in the closet

Missy the russian blue cat coming out of the closet

and I can say that away is good but home is best.

I hope you also have a nice palace to live in. I wish you all the best in 2011.

Queen Missy of Missylandia

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