October was very busy. In the beginning, on the 6th to be precise, we were celebrating the founding of Missylandia. In Catster terms it is called gotcha day. It implies that my servants got me on that day when in reality it was me who decided to enslave them on that day. And they could not have been happier. I got this wonderful picture from Bugsy and the Russian Blues Lounge as concatulation gift.

Then we were travelling again. We went to the Galapagos Islands where we were chased by the huge turtles

then visited my bff: Ishtar, in Berlin. It was wonderful.

A week later or so the whole lounge went to Boston. That was before Sandy, we had wonderful weather and the company was purrfect too.

Our Halloween pawty was very spooky

We ended the month with loads of treats.
I hope you also had a wonderful October. Let us see what November brings us. We already had our first snowfall, but it melted right away. In the name of all inhabitants in Missylandia I wish you a nice autumn!

Queen Missy of Missylandia