What can I say? My days are not that versatile. I take usual inspections in Missylandia, notice every change there is.
Today an unidentified flying object entered without ...
What can I say? My days are not that versatile. I take usual inspections in Missylandia, notice every change there is.
Today an unidentified flying object entered without ...
I don't think I need to comment on this. I am and will remain the biggest hunter in Missylandia.
I think I did learn something from Animal Planet: Mimicry, i.e. you gotta blend in when you are not attentive. Well, I cannot change color, so the surrounding has to adapt to ...
There are a lot of birds in our neighborhood. Pigeons, Checkered Shirts call them flying rats, as they do not use litter, but rather our window ledge. I wish I had wings.
I think I should have been a gardener instead of a Queen, I have green fingers. I always know which plants should be replanted. Yesterday, as I was checking out the vegetation in ...
This is for you. Enjoy!
I think I am going to quit computing for today.
I take some food, which is usually very good here in Missylandia,
And then I am going to bed.
Good night everyone! (OK, ...
In order to destroy this bad publicity I decided to publish some pictures, where I am depicted true to myself, namely calm, nice, graceful and tender. I hope people with a ...
Look what the newspaper wrote!
I am outraged, and they dare to bring the story without listening to my side.
With Tiny Lady I play hide and seek. I hide of course, she seeks. Good luck!