Life has turned too predictable and boring in Missylandia, so I decided to spice it up a little bit. I have organized a ball. As first entertainment I invited some artists who ...
It is very hot
It is very hot. We are melting. All we can do during the day is to lie down and meditate about our life in Missylandia.
We come to life towards the evenings. That is when we have ...
A lot to report
I have sooooo much to tell you. I have joined a new club for animals, where I made a lot of new friends (103 - to be precise), Bagira - the cat that visited me in Missylandia ...
This week's events
On one of my patrols,
I have noticed the following scenes:
In a short period of time Lizzy not only caught a flying bird, but also killed and dissected a mouse. Not that I mind ...
UFOs have landed
Lizzy is getting more and more relaxed. Since she is getting better, I can slack off and do not have to expect an unforeseen attack.
UFOs land from time to time in Missylandia. ...
Healing Lizzy
Since my last report Lizzy's state of mind has improved substantially. We have done quite a lot to soothe her soul. First of all we started to use a nice and new air freshener ...
Refugee in Missylandia
Since life is going very well in Missylandia, I have decided that it was time to open our borders a bit for those less fortunate. Shortly after I have declared my willingness to ...
A new report
TL handed in her doctorate work to the Science Academy of Missylandia, so now I have better chance to get to the computer. What can I tell you of new stuff? I am enjoying my life ...
Springtime sunbathing
Spring is here, and the sun is shining. I enjoy it very much. Here are nine pictures. Enjoy!
Queen Missy of Missylandia
My new weekend residence
A new mini-castle was drawn up in Missylandia. It is going to be my weekend residence, where I can retreat, recuperate and prepare for the weekdays. It is quite cozy, created ...