Ever since I came back from the wellness hotel, I am smiling. I am so relaxed and happy. This makes Checkered Shirts and Tiny Lady very happy too. Ergo they jump around for me ...
I am back in the palace after a long vacation. The wellness hotel was very good, I got the necessary attention and care and also my suite was spacious as well as very clean. I ...
Season's Greeting
Christmas is coming up, and I will go for a wellness vacation for the holidays. I need to recuperate after a hard year full of ruling. My people are happy in Missylandia, at ...
The Art of Ruling
Today I am going to teach you how to be a good ruler. A good leader can make its people want to do what the ruler wants them to do. And she has to be very subtle about it. i.e. ...
The force is strong within me
Hello People,
I am back in the ether. I was very busy and also the royal computer was occupied for more important things. That is why the long silence. Anyway, a lot of things ...
Been busy
I have not written to the blog, because I was extremely busy. First of all, I had to get rid of the Chinese intruders (Yin and Yang) this succeeded thanks to my patient strategy ...
Yin-Yang invasion
I am writing to you very fast, from a secret hide-out, before Yin and Yang wake up from their afternoon nap.
The thing is, that they have invaded my palace. I am not happy, but ...
I am back in business
Sorry for not writing for a long time, but I was under a massive shock. You know I had to spend a long-long-long time at Yin-Yang-land. The first day I decided to use ...
Training self-defense
Today, I found out that in a fortnight I have to pay a visit to Yin and Yang and stay for several days! The news was broken to me while visiting my physician for vaccination. I ...
Return to normality
Yin and Yang have left. I guess my persuasion skills are supreme. Even though towards the end I started to get used to them as they seemed to finally understand who the boss ...